Warren Huart

Warren Huart是一名洛杉矶英文音乐制作人,作曲家和多器乐演奏者。他制作了很多白金销量和榜单专辑,助力了许多艺术家的职业发展。 Warren曾与James Blunt,Aerosmith,Korn等合作过。他也是Produce Like A Pro视频系列的创始人,该系列为初学者提供录音教程,以及喷火音乐,这是一个一站式音乐房,专注于电影和电视授权音乐。
LEWITT麦克风有一个清晰的顶端。我需要大量的配套电容麦和LEWITT梦幻般的声音。当在一个音源(如鼓组)上使用多支麦克风时,它们总是声音一致且详细。我喜欢LCT 340笔管电容器。
Warren recorded a full song using ONLY the LCT 540 S, to show how the microphone sounds on a variety of applications.
The song is called “Nothing I Can Say” and Warren wrote it with Buck Johnson, Aerosmith’s keyboard player (before he was Aerosmith’s keyboard player!). In this version of the song we have Matt Starr (Mr. Big, Ace Frehley) on drums and Warren playing the rest of the tracks!
In this video, Warren did not only capture the acoustic guitar and scratch vocals, but he did a comparison between his vintage Neumann u47 and the LCT 440 PURE.
Warren Huart about the shooout: "We were both stunned at the results and plan on using the LCT 440 PURE for the rest of the vocals on this song. We both loved the sound. You're going to love this video! We had a lot of fun making it. Download the files so that you can hear our comparison of the U47 versus the Lewitt LCT 440 PURE."